How to get a free Antarctic cruise?

Well, you need to be:

  • a citizen of Malaysia,
  • a scientist,
  • determined,
  • increase your chances when you apply as a woman,
  • you need to be totally devoted to go on an Antarctica vacation… OOPS:
  • you need to be totally devoted to go on a polar research mission.

Polar Research Malaysia

Each year, Malaysia sends an average of 14 scientists to the Arctic and Antarctic. The participants in these Antarctic expeditions are scientists and postgraduate students of which 70% are women.

Most of them undertaking this Antarctica travel are young and very determined.

So if you are crazy about Antarctica but never think of spending the money for going on an Antarctica vacation, why not divert your passion into becoming an scientist and even get paid to go on Antarctic expeditions?

Polar Bears

polar bears

Malaysian Polar Research Team : Suhaila, Sheeba and Leela

The 3 Malaysian polar researches (from the National Antarctic Research Centre) just came back from their first scientific Antarctica travel.

You can read how these 3 Malaysian women experienced their Antarctic expeditions in our next posts. For the skeptics amongst you: there is much more involved than counting how many penguins there are on Antarctica…

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